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Customer reviews of these products

Rated 5 out of 5 stars
The ring is quite attractive. It shimmers like crazy in direct sunlight, with the green highlights really standing out. Have gotten quite a number of comments on it; a black ring is pretty unusual by itself, but the green sparkles really make it eye catching. It's also quite comfortable - the inner side of the band is gently rounded, and the edges are extremely smooth and rounded so it doesn't rub or irritate my skin at all
Real Green Laced Carbon Fiber Ring (BLACK) ●SLATE●
Purchased item: Real Green Laced Carbon Fiber Ring (BLACK) ●SLATE●
Francois Bernard
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Good product, well packaged
Limited Edition AMG Yellow iPhone Case
Purchased item: Limited Edition AMG Yellow iPhone Case
Jay K.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Nice phone case, not too bad delivery time if you can wait! Great case for the money.
Limited Edition AMG Yellow iPhone Case
Purchased item: Limited Edition AMG Yellow iPhone Case